This film follows Sam Flynn, son of the main character from the original film. Sam is lured into the grid by his fathers program, Clu. Clu has become the villain after misinterpreting his users vision for the digital world. Sam plans to rescue his father and bring him back to the real world. In the end Kevin Flynn, Sam's father sacrifices himself so that Sam and a program can escape to the real world.
This film is a very good film, very visually awe inspiring. The film takes many of the original concepts of the first film and expands upon them. However I feel the film is lacking in many regards when compared to it's namesake. This film is a good film as a standalone, but in comparison to it's namesake it is not quite the revolutionary film that "Tron" was in the 80's. I for one am glad I waited for this film to come out on DVD and I would not recommend it for purchase.