This film follows the life of Susan, who is struck by a meteor on her wedding day and transforms in Ginormica. Transported to a secret military installation she is imprisoned along with several other monsters. When an alien robot probe lands on Earth, Ginormica and the other monsters are sent out to destroy the robot. Once destroyed, the alien that sent the robot comes to earth to extract the Quantonium from Ginormica, the Quantonium is what made her grow giant. The alien manages to extract the Quantonium and begins creating a clone army in order to destroy humanity and enslave any survivors. Susan now back to normal size manages to attack the alien and in the battle exposes herself willingly to the Quantonium in order to become Ginormica again and rescue the other monsters from the alien ship which is self destructing.
This movie is a fun adventure which hearkens back to when monster movies were the biggest thing in Hollywood. I would highly recommend this film for those that are looking for a somewhat corny but comically serious film. Definitely worth the rental or purchase price in my opinion.
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